
Topic: For prevention - poland scammer - (Read 1644 times)

copper member
Activity: 686
Merit: 603
Electricity is really just organized lightning
Maybe it's not scam, but it's truly no serious business.

I paid more than 3.000 Euros in July/2017 and haven't received anything by them by now.

My last messages just have been ignored, they blocked me at WhatsApp.

I've started a fraud trial in Germany, Berlin.

If you are interested in Mining Rigs, built them on your own, you can get good and very useful GPUs from overseas which are only built for mining (without monitor outputs) for about 60% from GPU market price in EU.
And those adapters really do good mining.

I've found minersproject on eBay and started to chat over whatsapp, they said, that they have one rig in stock and just have to pay in advance, so I did this, send them the payment notice and waited for a delivery notice.

I haven't received anything from them by now.

Hopefully I will get my money back - for what I've read here, I really don't want a mining rig from them - seems to be cheap and crappy.



Due to the numerous complaints about this company in this thread, along with their terribly unprofessional approach of threatening their customers with legal action for simply raising concerns about their experience with - I have left them a negative rating, which I will only remove should they resolve every issue in this thread to each users satisfaction. - if you are indeed a legitimate company and not a bunch of scammers, then you REALLY need to work on your customer service skills.

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Maybe it's not scam, but it's truly no serious business.

I paid more than 3.000 Euros in July/2017 and haven't received anything by them by now.

My last messages just have been ignored, they blocked me at WhatsApp.

I've started a fraud trial in Germany, Berlin.

If you are interested in Mining Rigs, built them on your own, you can get good and very useful GPUs from overseas which are only built for mining (without monitor outputs) for about 60% from GPU market price in EU.
And those adapters really do good mining.

I've found minersproject on eBay and started to chat over whatsapp, they said, that they have one rig in stock and just have to pay in advance, so I did this, send them the payment notice and waited for a delivery notice.

I haven't received anything from them by now.

Hopefully I will get my money back - for what I've read here, I really don't want a mining rig from them - seems to be cheap and crappy.



Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Miners delivers only a big garbage!!! I have two rigs from them and spend around 500 EUR more until the rigs start working.
Now they are working with 170 and 110 instead of hardly promised 200 and 140 MH/s. They put cheap parts, not wright extensions, cards with bad memory etc etc....
But as I see I have to be lucky that I even received something from the stupid idiots...
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Hi All,

Seems that internet become a way for scammer to defend their cause, and sow them selfs behind keyboard or keypads that they have right and legal, and right to answer and reply in real thread.....

which kind of world we are living Huh?

again  miners project please be my guest.... it matter of time you will see ....

keep you updated reader.


Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Dear Customer (Benito11),

we kindly inform, that You have been warned about Your illegal activity.
By Your last post You proof, that You got full knowledge about consequences.

Our company know it's rights, and will use correct, legal way to defend them.
You can really post what You want, but all of posts will be well documented.

Seems You think, that Internet is a good place for Your illegal behaviour...
and hope, You will force company to do what You want by publishing posts.

More of, You count on that You will damage our company as much as You can.
Unfortunately You are wrong, because company will not cooperate this way.

Be sure that company will not change its decisions, You received in last mail.
If You won't take responsibility for Your behaviour, that will be Your problem.


Customer Service@Support
Miners Project
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Hi All,

Finely I got reaction and attention from so called professional company here under you find the replay
they are so sure about them self that they are asking me to pay 1000 euros for damages because I posted my reaction and my thought.
and they put it as one of the condition to send me the Rig, the second condition was to delete my post.... :-)

Here my response to miners project: if you are who you claim you are please be my guest, and replay here.... in front of the wold....

and here my conditions until you don't send my order or my money back i'll not stop posting and already lunched collection company paid ofcorse to chase them..... you will hear from me soon in legal way...

Here you go ..... enjoy reading

Dear customer,

as You have put Your insults (screened) in public media (internet forum about our company), we inform You that:

- in criminal law is there a punishment up to 1 year of jail
- in both (civil and criminal) law, there is remuneration etc. duty (from Your side payment to our company),

for such of illegal behaviour, damaging other company (also because You are professional/not a private customer).

That is important especially, before You did Your insulting and damaging post/comment:

- You knew, that all other customers (who made their posts on that forum before You) received ordered equipment
- You knew, that we are very sensitive about internet comments, and will charge You for any insults damaging us.

Also You received message from our company, that in august/september our company is working on holiday status.
But You just choose this way of confrontation, and just You made a crime (which is obvious and we documented it).

Please expect, our company will charge You amount min. 200 EUR for each day of existing those insults on forum/s.
Of course our lawyers will start a court case, also demand from You those remunerations and damages to be covered.

We not scare You, but after lawyers office (and Prosecutor) will start their job, we will not going to stop it.
Thats why our company wants/expects now from You (we are in EU, so it is easy to charge You):

- until 11 september 2017 an additional payment 1000 EUR from You (to the same bank account #, existing on invoice) to cover our damages etc.
- removing Your insulting post/s from forum/s immediately (other way each day after tomorrow will cost You more than only that 1000 EUR mentioned above).

Until those will not be made by You, completing of order FP 23/06/2017 will be stopped until court case will end.
Of course, in that case You will get official note from lawyers office with all further instructions, Your rights.

If You do those two obligations on time, our company will send You (free) ordered rig in term of 5 business days.
Your behaviour cannot be accepted or just explained, because You did it intentionally, definately in purpose.

So please do not expect from us any other conditions of resolving that situation, until You will just pay for it.
If You expect from company to cover Your loses/interests, we can deduct those from money that You need to pay us for each day of Yours existing insults on forum/s (of course after agreed details).

Miners Project Office:

[email protected]
Opening hours 10:00-22:00 CET, 7 days/week

Orders online: website shop
Phone: +48 6900 90000 / WhatsApp
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Hello All,

I come across this discussion, to share my very bad experience with MinersProject, I placed order for rig 6 x GTX 1060 # FP 23/06/2017

until today I hear only promises, no shipping, and it said in their website that the rig will be shipped in 3 days now is almost 3 months and no news, i guess I've lost my money here, but it feel good to write about our bad experiences with the SCAMMERS from internet, they t think they will get away from it but only days can show........

anyway I kept all proofs of WhatsApp messaging and emails.

so again Minerproject are not professional so called company, their location is fake.....


Activity: 4
Merit: 0
With this post I would like to share my last experience with

On 21.06. I made a full payment for one 6*1060 mining rig. According to Mr. Jacub (, the rig should be ready for shipping after 2-3 days. He told me, after optimisation the rig must mine ca. 141 MH/s. I told him, I will buy a second one in 2-3 weeks, if the first one works as described.

After 2-3 days noting happend, and after 7-8 I wrote here my first posts, doubting for a scammer situation.
The reason for delaying were defected card and pci (whatever it means), and I have to wait 2-8 weeks for that warranty issue. Than I was shore, that I was scammed.

After hunderts of WhatsApp messages and after discussing with Mr. Jacub different solutions, we agree for a second rig. That means my first rig were ready and there is also a second rig 7*570 which is also ready. If I buy the second rig, Mr. Jacub will deliver both in 2-3 days. I have to delete my previous posts , and he will not freeze (or whatever) my amount for the first rig, because of negative comments here.

He delivered the both rigs on 28.July (one month later as agreed for first one). It must be clear, are not scammers.
NOTTING was as agreed:

First rig 6*1060 instead of 140 MH/s (ETH) started with 90 MH/s. The excuse of Mr. Jacub was, there were no enough time for optimising. I offered him yesterday to do it over TeamViewer, but he was not in the office...

Second rig 7*570 wont even start with 7 GPU. It dont recognize the 7th card, and restarts automatically every time immediately after start. I disconnected one card and windows could at least  start. After starting mining program, it blocks and I have to restart again...

So, now, after more than one month and about NOT small amount payed to Mr. Jacub, I have 90MH/s, which is as I see noting. Only power consuption and 30 Degrees in my office. And Mr. Jacub tells me, I must repair or set by my self second rig. When I buy a car, that doesn't mean, I know how to build it, and expect , that ignition works....!!! 

I expected one optimized working rig, and one working rig.
SO, are not scammers, but there is something very wrong with that company. They say Online-Help over Skype or TeamViewer... until now - noting.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
lol... :-D yes... if somebody wil have bad experience with some company he will go front the courth how funny....
for example i will dont like play "angry birds" because its for me not good game and will give this game just one stars in apple rating ... thats mean i will go front the courth :-D
like siaid pawel7777  "its ileggal frozen my money"---

i think will be for you more better send money back and more fastes resolve this situacion if you are smart...

georgi still dont get the rig i speaking with him now... you still have problem with "delivery"  (4 weeks)...

you just damage self with this answers here ......


so if you are not some scammer just send the georgi rig and me the "rezervation money" ....

and i dont care anymore about this.. if i will see money back on my account i will "report this post for delete" how i here  said in public...

i just sharing my experience thats all and i can this do..

Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Dear Customer (Radas),

as we promised, You will not get any cash back - but You will get sued in courts.
It will be interested, seems You do not count how much time, money it will cost You.

Let's guess... 10.000 EUR damages (each month existing insults) + 5.000 EUR for charity.
Translations will be expensive, lawyers costs will be high, also apologizes duty by You.

You showed that Your behaviour is not changable, You still think You can do everything.
But we are in EU, so You can expect that those cases will come someday to Your place.

You think You can force someone to do something, even You showed criminal behaviour.
So there will be no any negotiations with You, because You do not respect others.

Now You said, that You were on holiday, when courier was going to deliver ordered rig.
But You received information about his arrival a day before via Your two mobile phones.

You were also asked to send back sms, if You plan not be at home in delivery time.
There are confirmations, that You received those messages and just didn't want respond.

We will no argue with You, the lawyers office will put Your case to the court very soon.
Will be no more negotiations etc. with You, because You lie and You are not responsible.

You do not respect couriers time, everyones time, except Yours, You show lack of honour.
You just resigned from purchase, and it is very convinient for You to try make us fault.

But thing is, that we manufactured rig and send it to Your home after Your acceptance.
No matter what happened earier, if You would not publish insults You would get it faster.

Sad is, You hide behind Your monitor, then You feel safe with publishing lies/insults.
Your insinuations, about quality of our products are really weak... and also punishable.

Seems You lie too often, You are obviously hater, but You will have no luck this time.
You forget, that is possible that You will be often called a "thief" etc. on Internet.

You really think that You can publish lies, shit's on web and it will not return to You?
We feel, that it can be Your big problem in future, but maybe a good lesson for future.


Customer Service@Support
Miners Project
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Dear mining.project

After minimum 12x promises about the delivery when i was 12x times full day home , somebody IN SUNDAY NIGHT when i was on holiday called me. (its not problem for show the proofs)

me and georgi payed you one month ago and you told us the "rigs is ready in stoorage for you dont worry , just send us money now, you will get rig tommorow"

i dont know if you using the mining for "cloud mining" for self or ... and if you after  one months using  the rigs for free.

after this all promises i dont wanna rig anymore from this company, because services of this company are not trustworthy . i dont wanna pay 2850 euro for some box from this company

12x i get different termin and how i said, the company tell us the rigs is ready for you... WHEN COMPANY WILL TELL US BEFORE "the rigs is not ready you must wait + - 3 weeks .... thats different situacion

and if will happening here some miracle and i will get some delivery from this company i will never pay 2850 to kurrier for some box with suprise from anonymuss company...i cannot after this trust this company, i dont wanna and single parts of rig, because will be just problems and promises

but i think best for all will be :

i promise here.... if will user "georgi" get the mining rig and i wll get my 150 euro money back "i will send request for delete this post"
i think is the best way for all and everybody here in forum can agree with me here..

Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Dear Zepher  Smiley,

we reviewing Your post, in which You want proof delivery straight from our Customer, so we have one question:
- why didn't You ask about similiar proofs those people who wrote their hater's opinions?

Seems, that You suspect the company more, than You suspect haters (by not demand proofs their posted opinions).
Because it's also possible, that sometimes an opinion can be made by other enemy company to make black PR etc.

You really think, that some Customers will publish details You want, if They can stay anonymous with cryptomining?
Even we got evidence of delivery rigs to Customers we will not publish those proofs without Their ask or permission.

Of course You should know, that owner of this forum breakes law by publishing and keeping some from above opinions.
We shouldn't to remember/instruct about his responsibilities, which is to remove every hater's criminal, damaging opinion.

Forums are mostly important in economy, but some of them just make damages to company owners, it is obvious.
So we just collect evidences, which client made purchase/not purchase decision with every forum opinions influence.

Of course lawsuits are the last thing, which normal company consider, but sometimes there are just very nessesary.
Especially when it's public/shares company - it is CEO's responsibility to start sue every time, when company name is hurt.

One thing we will write here, the Radas post author (his name is Radek L.):

- agreed with us (via WhatsApp) his ordered rig delivery time (deadline day possible last sunday)
- so few days before this term/agreed time, we hired VIP delivery service to deliver Him ordered rig
- so Mr. Radek was informed few times through his 2 mobiles phones/sms etc. but stopped to receive incoming phone calls.

So rig was returned to us, so we lost on hire VIP delivery service (fast, only for rigs transport, without any other packages).
Now still this Radas opinion exists here and is indexed by Google with our brand etc. and forum owner accepts this situation.

For sure not only Radas will not get his "reservation payment" 150 EUR back, but he can expect more problems about his posts.
Those are pure examples of criminal behaviour, everyone knows that - also because He was informed about rules few times.

So if You would be us, we think You would just prepare lawsuits either for Mr. Radek L. and against forum also, sad but true.
One thing is to send to Client rig with small delay (always we add someting gratis), second is posting obvious, criminal opinion.

After reading it, some Customers start affraid and it hurts their feelings, which is not our fault, we stay in fluid current contact.
Some people around the world just log our www, start hater's chats only to feel better themselves, without being our customers.

This is really sick and should end very soon. It happens mostly because that (good) forum owner published that hater's phrases.
Anyway we just make still our job, which is make rigs, take orders, selling stuff and support our true and honest (many) Clients.

About mentioned Client RealmsOfCrypto made his hate post first, without our delay etc. mostly because of Radas existing post.
At the end of that story delivery company (VIP service) told us, that after received his ordered rig, checked it was very happy.

But also told to the courier, that in a meanwhile (few days) stopped believe, that will collect it and it was not good feeling really.
Next day after this Client removed his hater opinion, which was made earlier without any logical base and changed it to positive.

Will be best, if those posts/discussion will be removed, before we ask Google to remove links to it and start save our good name.


Customer Service@Support
Miners Project
copper member
Activity: 686
Merit: 603
Electricity is really just organized lightning
They are not scammers. We have got  miner from them yesterday!

Care to provide some proof of this?

From where I am standing, you appear to be nothing but a shill (and could very well be another account of as well).

Please prove me wrong.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
They are not scammers. We have got  miner from them yesterday!
copper member
Activity: 686
Merit: 603
Electricity is really just organized lightning
Archive of this thread up until now.

This has got to be one of the weirdest "scam accusations" I have come across in recent times. - threatening your customers with legal action for reasons I really cannot work out with the info available to me in this thread is, at the minimum, extremely unprofessional. That is the reason for me archiving this thread anyway.

As for what the issues are, I hope everyone gets a satisfactory resolution. I will be watching to see what happens before taking any action.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Are you  robot or what ? We waiting 3 weeks almost ?? You told me every day the rig is ready like you told giorgi but guorgi dont get nothink today , you dont have my adress you never ask for my adress Cheesy you told me 8 times the rig is on way on whats app but i dont get never nothink
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Dear Customer (Radas),

yesterday You received message via WhatsApp, that rig which You reserved for 150 EUR is ready to pick up.
After Your insults, trully we should not sell it to You at all, but company decided to allow You this possibility.

But seems, You prefer make an discuss here, put more insults and not finish the transaction and receive rig.
We will not insult You as You do, but the court will explain it to You, what is a real law and respect to others.

We respect our Clients, we do not give them negatives or we do not publish insults, mostly no matter what.
We think, that always the best solution is just resolve situations, agree detalis and understand each other.

Note that because Your insults are punishable, our law office will put act prosecution to Prosecutors Office.
Seems You thougt that You can do everything and write everything because You paid 150 EUR reservation.

You can expect two cases (cywil law, criminal law) - now everything is funny for You, but soon it will not be.
You think just You are smarter from all others, threat damage our brand etc (of course we have evidences).
Of course You should expect, that remunerations and court's costs, translations will be for You very high.

Thats why we as a solid company should give You a lesson to protect other companies from Your behaviour.
Our company gives 24 hours for Your decision: You will buy/pay for ordered rig, or You will meet two courts.


Customer Service@Support
Miners Project
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
He just lie to customers...

He told each of us .. he have for everybody the rig ready and is not problem pick up the self

Maybe he just buying the rigs for self and mining 2 moths the rigs and maybe after this he will sell somethink

But no one trust this, because he is complet anonymouse and he Dont wanna send money back

And every day different reason and excuses

We will go on Poland policie soon bye !
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Dear Customer (George),

we kindly inform, that You ordered mining rig/plug only and play.
Standard delivery time few days is for basic orders/in email info.

But also You decided to ask our team to do serious optimization.
This process require 1-2 people's job and few days tests more.

Also after 2-3 days from order, You started attack us everyday.
No matter we told You everytime, that optimization still process.

If we start it, we have to finish it to still remain on warranty.
Also in that situation:

- we always care about perform best results
- every mining rig is different, and appear many random issues
- all risk of this process is on Your side
- sometimes appear problems with brand new parts in the rig.

Last means, that if any part is not made good by manufaturer:
- it can be damaged while testing/optimizing.

Key is, that ordered optimization made 1 part of Your rig damaged.
Thats why we sent it back, to realize it's warranty, it was new.

That was an manufacturer issue, not our team fault - but happens.
Warranty process of this broken part will take between 2-8 weeks.

After part will be shipped back to us from manufacturer:
- we will install it to Your rig
- we will test rig again (You will decide to again/not optimize).

We need to be sure, that all equipment going to customer works.
We care about delivery rigs in best performance, clients warranty.

Seems You forget that many of (for example USA) big companies:
- respond only via tickets/few days at least each response.

So please do not insult us/write elaborates just few days after order.
Because in compare to them:
- we respond fluently via chat/WhatsApp/mail mostly everyday.

At the end You forgot to write here that our offer was the best.
We provide good equipment, really superb prices with full service.

If we get any news for You, of course we will contact You fastly.


Customer Service@Support
Miners Project
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
still i dont get nothing..... money/ rig / answer
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