Dear Customers,
we are honest company, registered in government files with office in
Berlin/Germany and Szczecin/Poland.
All invoices and payments are official also 0% VAT tax EU, we contact everyday to many clients/suppliers.
We are dissapointed about this comment and probably we will
sue this Client to the german or polish court.
Because of his insults written in his above post message, which may have impact to our good name and opinion.
He is not normal man, he hides and didn't also attach any of WhatsApp messages which we are sending him often.
He ordered a miner, and we agreed only 150 EUR advance (usually we take 25% miners price) and our delivery.
After few days and small break in communication (1 day), he just made this post, because he woke-up bad maybe.
But trully seems that people in those times are often rude, unpatient and not wise, feel good in hurt somebady.
Yesterday we had situation, that the other Client (women) bought from us a miner on eBay, 4 days delivery time.
We spoke with her and promised contact, a day before planned time delivery like is in auction rules.
We missed her 1 phone 1 day after (2 days before shipment time) and she gave us immediately negative comment.
Same is with this guy here. those are people who want impact to Your business with anger no matter what.
If You will not respond that person 1-2 days, he will write insults everywhere that You are scammer/thief etc.
But we will not tollerate this situation, we will sue him and his 150 EUR/paid will be frozen to cover damages.
However if he will remove insults and this post, we will probably not demand money from him to cover our damages.
Only this way, because we can't allow that Google will index that insults near our company good name/trademark.
We mostly care about our Clients, and cheap miners and few business days delivery worldwide time is really short.
We will attach also yesterday mining 6 x GTX 1060 Ethereum test results from our miner (date operations on screen).
Always if the Client want to pick up a miner from our office (without prepaid) and pay cash for it's possible.
We are not chinese scammers who take money to Money Gram or Western Union and never send ordered goods
Also we sell miners at eBay, it is additional insurance/protection (money back) guarantee so it is really honest.
Worth to buy cheap miner this way, we have our own fast/cheap service and miner's support via Skype/Teamviewer.
Our miners are nice designed, and they reach really high performance, with a few years full guarantee worldwide.
Thank You for understanding, we will always do best we can, to sell high efficient mining rigs for best price!
Just visit and check our website or eBay offers, and
chat with us or contact via phone/WhattsApp.
We are opened for Clients need/terms, offering for example in stock 6 x GTX 1060, 1070 or 1080, 1080 Ti mining rigs.
Customer Service@Support
Miners Project