Here are some more pics for you. The build is taking a little longer than I wanted, I hope to finish and have it fully operational tomorrow.
Ran into a few issues, one of which was the power supply failing. Had to go pick up a different PSU (went with a slighly more expensive model to give us some room to grow)
Also the above mentioned issue with the driver potentially... Linux is expected to resolve the issue, so I moved onto the build and will finish testing on the actual host machine. May have also been related to the psu failing (was giving voltage dropouts on the 12V rail under load)
Anyway, things are rolling along now, so...
Here are some pics of the build along the way (a little more eye candy for you to look at):
A block of 4 being tested together:
My RepRap producing a prototype of the brackets to hold the cards:
The RepRap producing 4 brackets at once:
Getting ready to dry fit the parts in the wooden rackmount box:
Fans mounted, and cards on brackets (still dry fitting):
Close up of the rig so far:
Still left to do:
- Solder 2 more power leads (bundles of several power leads for several cards, back to either a molex, or a PCIE connector to distribute load on the ATX supply properly)
- Adjust the standoffs on the blocks (in this config with the dry fit there isn't enough room for 8 wide without causing airflow problems, if I reverse the standoffs there will be)
- Screw everything down
- Run all the wires and clean it all up
- Install the host OS (Linux) on the computer
- Mount it all up in the rack, and get mining!
I hope/expect to get done tomorrow. Worst case Tuesday if something holds me up tomorrow.