1. IDEX: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzF_NTscqqK4TPuJQixe4tZCEJHDVJdTLvNelb_V2D582RVg/viewform
2. Radar Relay: https://medium.com/radarrelay/radar-relay-regulatory-strategy-9da29a9e59cb (read the end) You'll have to contact them.
3. BarterDex: https://komodoplatform.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KPSD/pages/225738753/How+to+submit+new+ERC20+Tokens+in+BarterDEX
Well, you can't have both, I guess. If an exchange has special features or is convenient for beginners, someone needs to program and maintain it. Someone else has to pay for it and that's usually what the listing fees are used for. If you want 24/7 support there is no way to get that for free.