If you have something to say than say it here
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=83.0 otherwise stop spreading FUD and lies all over the forum about freebitcoin.
Get over it man, you used bonus for gambling and you lost. Nobody scammed you.
No I didn't use it for Gambling. Yes I got scammed. I wanted micro earnings and I got shafted.
Anyone that says otherwise is lying.
Mindragon, your nose is growing.
If anyone needs to be reminded on the truth about how this went down for Mindragon, please refer to this post >>>>
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.19071653And so far none of my concerns have been addressed. I offered a peaceful solution and it was refused.
The fact remains ... I am out 1BTC and you have gained 1BTC under unfair pretenses.
AFAIK, everything is clearly stated on the website. You're the ONLY one that has complained about the bonus so far. You lost. Maybe if you hadn't gambled it (
Dude, you gambled over 8BTC), and sent the message before you spent your deposit, @wetsuit may have refunded your deposit.
What if you had won from your gambling? Would you be crying then?
And this screenshot makes it sound like you're trying to bribe or extort FreeBitco.in into meeting your demands.
Not a good thing, especially here on the forums. Some people won't take kindly to that.
And seriously, as an outsider looking in, you're clearly at fault here. Your crying is going unnoticed now because it's been answered and dealt with; you just didn't get the response that you were looking for. Nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to gamble. You did that on your own accord. Now please, for the sake of everyone else in this thread, get over it and move on, man.