It was always going to be difficult predicting the correct range for bitcoin prices because of the uncertainty that comes along with it, but overall it was fun and now I hope that someone from here predicts it correctly. Also none of us could have anticipated that Coronavirus would spread so fast, and because of that we would witness sudden upwards movements in bitcoin prices.
Don't you think that if Bitcoin was down, we would blame exactly the same virus for that?
Coronavirus or not, BTC is up and that's a good thing.
What range will be bettors' favorite closer to the end of February? "$9,501 - $10,000", as it is today, or "$14,001 - $15,000" as I personally hope it will be on the 29th of February 2020?
Put that into market works and you will see why whales are controlling the market as well, they know what they are doing when buying and selling whereas people like us have 9% of clue what we are doing and mainly just guessing and assuming that ends up being wrong most of the time, the main reason for our volatility I suppose
Don't worship those whales that much. I bet all of them have not more than 9% of clue, just like us. Bitcoin is unpredictable even for the whales.