It always was a for profit business.
The donate to charity option was removed because Save the Children stopped accepting donations in Bitcoin.1
I am not badmouthing the site at all, I am merely making an observation based on my long-term association with this site, from it's early beginnings.
I hope with the new launch that we would see something that would be focussed on what this site was initially based on, which is "Helping" the millions of people that needs a jump start into their Crypto currency journey.
We're not removing the faucet so we hope we will continue to introduce many new people to Bitcoin.
The rebrand may help to end the confusion that many people have about us being a charity. The free money has always been there to bring in new customers some of which will deposit and play.
[1] It appears that Save the Children have started accepted Bitcoin donations again. Unfortunately, it was a very underused facility so it is unlikely we will bring it back.