Assuming you have 1 BTC, you will earn 0.000109589 BTC on the day 1 and you will have 1.000109589 BTC at the end of that day. On the day 2, you will earn 0.000109601 BTC and you will have 1.00021919 at the end of that day. On the day 3, you will earn 0.000109613 BTC and so on.
At the end of the day 365, you will have 1 * (1.000109589)365 = 1.0408 BTC.
Thank you for clearing the doubts. I was using the general calculation formula without considering the compounding system.
My initial question was how long I should wait for support from freebitco before I open a separate Scam accusation here?
You don't need to create any accusation. Check the above post of hosseinimr93 to know how the APY is actually calculated. Currently your daily interest rate is 0.01178082 including the boosted amount. If you hold 1 BTC on your account, then you will have 1 × (1.0001178082)
365 = 1.0439 BTC after 1 year. The interest amount is 0.0439 BTC, which is 0.0439 × 100 = 4.39% (your APY with the boosted percentage).
Well, while its now clarified that the Annual Rate 4.39 includes the 7.5% on the basic Interest. But please explain why the daily Interest (Daily interest will be calculated at a random time everyday @ 0.01178082% * per day) does not correspond with the 4.39% annually. The daily rate does not fit to the Annual Rate 4.39 given despite the days if I calculate 360, 365, or perhaps 370, 375.
My fbc current daily rate is @ 0.01178082% calculated from 4.39% ( annually but no calculation explains me why:
Every result differs from the daily rate given to me currently..
I do calculate regularly by 360 days because the transaction history and premium member days table shows fbc calculates 360 days.
So it is not the expected % daily what my transaction history shows too. There should be more percent than @ 0.01178082% daily and more sats on the earn table from my point of view. IMHO this is less % than I expected from fbc after waiting 30 days and confirmation no increase on the transaction history.
This results in daily loss for me
If this is an error it has to be fixed asap from the freebitco team and I ask myself how long to wait for support response before I open a scam acc or withdraw my ledger.
Guess how many users could be affected by an error like this?