I visited your site every day the ads sometimes in the left, sometimes in the right because ads is slightly big its so annoying.
I had added this feature where during auto-betting the seeds and bet results would be shown in a table but after a 100 or so bets, it slowed everything down so I had to remove it.
We do not record bets in a database, so if you wish to record the seeds and results of each bet, you will need to do it from your end. I will post some javascript code which should let you do that using your browser console.
wetsuit, I have an idea how to make automatic betting even better. Right now we see the bets rolling one after another, but why not make a step even further? I mean you could set a number of rolls (just as you can now), and the bets running wouldn't be shown after you start betting, but only the final outcome (as an option, of course). In this way, rolls become almost instantaneous (since you don't see them)...
There's Auto Betting Feature already.