Sometimes it depends on how much funds you have for staking, usually the bigger the better but if you only have a little it is better to save it for the long term for example or staking for the long term has better rewards than for a short period of around 30 days, usually for short term players and have a lot of funds, maybe 30 days is more than enough.
The 180 day period is also quite good, the bigger the reward, the longer the staking, the bigger the reward, so it all depends on the user, if you want to invest long term, you should choose a long term period, whereas if you want to invest for the short term, you should use a shorter staking period, for example 30 days and can sell any time after staking is complete.
Yes, it is true that it will depend on the number of FUN tokens owned by each investor. They can also calculate which one is the most profitable for them when they want to stake their FUN tokens. But staking for 30 days is also okay because we are staking because we want to get a decent return.
The interest rate in 30 days is lower when compared to 180 days. Besides that, the price is not pumping from last few months.
So it will take quite a while when the pump in price starts and so I guess 180 days is a sweet spot to get extra interest and accumulate more FUN tokens.
If the price increases in next 6 months may be we can consider taking profits and otherwise repeat the cycle.
That's my plan though and everyone has their own perspective.
You are right. We already have a plan for staking FUN tokens. I want to see the price grow from month to month while trying to increase the amount and then stake it. I feel that market conditions have started to recover, so it might be too long if I choose 180 days. And my reward will be less than if I chose staking for 180 days. But that's fine by me.
I always lock my tokens for 180 or 360 days. I bought in several steps my tokens and my average is about 60 satoshis and we are a long way from that price. Will noy invest in more tokens as I believe I am at the perfect premium level.
That's good for you and you can collect lots of FUN tokens during the waiting period of the price increase. The current price is a reasonable price to buy more.