was the address where I was sent my initial withdrawal request. It appears to be the main wallet that is used to fund FUN withdrawals for everyone. Its basically empty right now.
is the main holdings and has no activity for 6 days. There should be FUN transfers from here to the other wallet and out as people request them.... there have been none. I have a pending withdrawal that has yet to be seen coming out of this wallet. Why are the wallets so quiet now? I am not sure but small amounts of coins seem to generally come out fine, with large requests going unanswered.
This is frustrating to say the least.
They only refill their wallet every few weeks, usually for an amount of 5 million tokens. That is usually enough to last for a good while, but in recent weeks there have been some very large withdrawals that have emptied the wallet. People that are worried about the site are probably moving their funds out to prevent losing them. Also, large holders might be withdrawing their tokens to sell them on an exchange where they can get a much better rate. The only thing you can do now is wait for the wallet to be refilled.