The problem is there are more than 44 million users registered in,at least this is some of the highest ID-s I have seen there and to get in the top ten to win a share of the lottery is near impossible for most of us.However a few persons here have won a share of the weekly lottery and one just won the Lambo not long ago so anything can happen,it is just luck based but it is a very hard luck to come by,as long as you get lottery tickets by WoF spins or from the free spins nothing to lose,you only will have false hope most of the time during Sunday but we all have such hopes during that day,it is a few years every Sunday I wait to see if I won anything in the weekly lottery.
It looks like over 48 mln players have already registered on freebitcoin. You can check it by clicking the stats tab in the menu of the website. Regarding the lottery, I noticed that the total number of lottery tickets has decreased significantly in the last few lottery rounds. For example, there were 250-300 mln tickets a few weeks ago, but now it's only 110 mln tickets in the current lottery round. It is still a huge number of tickets, and the winning still depends only on luck. However, it also means that the chances of winning a prize have increased for everyone at least 2 times.
^ Wow, it is kinda I am impressed with the large user's number.
Probably most of them as of now is not active yet and not all the time there is a bettor who bought tickets. However, how lucky I am if even we have hundreds of lottery tickets compared to them if we will win. But the problem here is your chances of winning are very small and you cant be able to win. But until now I keep hoping that someday, I will be able to win this lottery jackpot prize.
You are right, many of those users won't be active and many of them would be having multiple accounts as well.
Even I had created few accounts earlier but I don't have access to them any more. I forgot their email and passwords.
I had good amount of referrals in one account but I don't even remember which account was it.
So yeah winning a lottery is definitely a luck and buying lottery tickets only a rich man's game here.
If the person has good amount of money then he can surely buy some lottery tickets for fun and see how luck favors him.
But for the others, it's probably best to earn lottery tickets from the spins and wagering.
If luck really favors us then we might win the lottery with just those tickets.