I just remembered that I had some doge in my freedoge account but I do not remember how much it was, could be zero, could be thousand, who knows?
I really forgot because it has been yeeeeeears since we checked.
So I went ahead and filled it with all potential emails I may have used because I do not remember which one I used so I filled the form with each of them. However if you really want to, you could PM me and we can handle it easier so you do not have to work too hard. I have a freebitco.in account as well and thats where I want it but not all mails are the same mails, I could just give you some mails and confirm that I own them by replying from that mail if you want to, and then you could credit my account if you want to. Or if none of that is required then I would just wait for confirmation mail. I hope it will be checked soon because looking at the doge price now, I used to own hundreds of thousands of dollars at one point
not here of course but I hope some of them were there
That’s understandable, most of us didn't checkedfreedoge for a long time as well, thequin once talked about how nobody really asked for it for a long time as well and the moment price of dogecoin started to go up, they got a lot of interest from people who wanted to check their balance. I do not know if you have it or not, but considering even thousands of it didn't worth anything for a long time, these days people with a lot of money remember it and coming back and they had a rush. This is not just me assuming, thequin himself said these, they got so much more requests in the last 8 months than any time before that because of the price.
So, do not be worried about it, it is understandable that you would be curious about how much you have or not and I would be too if I ever used it but I always thought doge was a bad coin and never took any interest into it.