Having something you have to do 3 seconds for each place you visit may have some sort of unique annoying part that you may not face unless you do it many times per day. Unfortunately for me my job requires me to be in many many crypto websites everyday and in intervals, 22 websites to be exact and some of them are once a day so it is not a problem but some of them are 4 hours and 6 hours intervals which means I have to go to many crypto websites every single day.
Almost quarter of them has this new captcha nowadays and I have to login to them every single day, which means everyday I have about 6 or so websites I do captcha with, and that is not a great feeling, I realize that you may think about 20 seconds per day on captcha solving is not a big deal and you are right, it is not a big deal, but you also can't deny that it is "tiny" bit annoying as well, not a big deal, just a bit annoying that's it.
Just wondering, are you writing articles or claiming from other faucets/ offer sites?