Natural freedoms and rights are a concept proven by practice. No society is suffering from too much freedom, and all are suffering from too much tyranny. I delineate a difference between freedoms and rights. The freeman movement is a step above the sovcit movement by a focus on freedom, but both are missing a critical part of societal foundation. Both are missing the concept of root authority, which was partly addressed in the previous comments by others in this thread. Proper authority is authority of principle. This means that one who has proper virtues and values has proper authority. There is great authority in love, peace, and truth, and so I believe the divine realm has a higher authority than that of man.
What the Freeman movement is missing is a governing body, and for that reason it's ability to flourish is limited. I advocate for a Cooperative Republic by which one chooses anyone one wishes to represent them upon emancipation of adulthood. This these representatives which can be one's self then further choose representation until further delegation isn't wanted. And finally all these representatives negotiate as needed to defend each other's freedom's using all the rights of force available. What this does is enable networking while adding the force of strength in numbers. There are two written works linked to in my signature that explain this well: Caroasi and Rainbow Rock.
(from Rainbow Rock: Philosophic Cooperation: Civics: Natural Society:)
Natural Liberties The design of our universe guides us to liberties that naturally maximize our potential as a civilization. These liberties granted by nature begin with natural freedoms and expand with natural rights. For absolute and unwavering success, our liberties stand absolute and unwavering in dangerous situations, hazardous circumstances, and states of emergency. Our natural freedoms when protected by force become civic freedoms, and the method of protecting those freedoms are our civic rights. We enable voluntary choices and voluntary association, defend against harm, defend against property damage, do justice, and equalize opportunity, as developed from the Rainbow Rock virtues. Complete liberty can be secured for all emancipated people, not just one ruling class or people, through great sacrifice of body, mind, and labor. Our rights and freedoms end only where other's begin.
Natural Rules We follow the rules of nature because that provides effective and positive consequences without any mandate.
Golden Rule Care for others at least as well as you care for your self. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Carbon Rule Live and let live. Leave others alone as they leave you alone.
Noble Gas Rule Words against words, blades against blades. We limit our self to expression against wrongful expression, not force.
Natural Consequences People who make mistakes with liberties and people who treat others abusively but without physical violence under natural liberties do not go unpunished. The natural negative consequences including dishonor, distrust, social ostracism, and banishment from privately owned places, are sufficient to resolve all non-violent abuses of liberty. Inevitable negative effects are upon both the wrongful and their cared ones.
Natural Duties People who seek belonging to civilization are expected to participate as a civil servant to enhance civilization as they expect others to do the same. These civil duties are voluntary. People who fill their duties are expected to be honored, while people who neglect their duties are expected to be dishonored. When enough people tend to their duties, civilization flourishes.
(source: Rainbow Rock, link in signature below)
There are eight fundamental freedoms of humankind:
Freedom of Belief such as to believe anything one wishes with only consequence of nature.
Freedom of Expression such as to express anything one wishes with only consequence of nature.
Freedom of Labor to work as one wishes with only consequence of nature.
Freedom of Travel on open or public land with only consequence of nature.
Freedom of Association to associate with anyone one wishes with only consequences of nature.
Freedom of Trade to create and trade anything or service the laws of physics allow with only the consequences of nature.
Freedom of Assembly to gather in any numbers in any open place or public land with only consequences of nature.
Freedom of Choice as emancipated people to consume anything one wishes which the laws of physics allow, to have any voluntarily relationships of consent with others one wishes, and to help or harm each other in any way by consent only, with only consequences of nature.
Thanks OP, I hope to see you more in the politics section! I have yet to find anyone interested in joining Caroasi but its nice that you're movement has thousands of followers.