Well, I have a gambling problem and I will ask my "Shrink" for help. My problem is that I like to play roulette.
The first step was admitting you had the problem my friend so a big well done i am just sorry you could not have done it sooner as you obviously also are. Good luck with your recovery it will be very difficult i have a best friend who is 100% the same except he lost everything including his mind
Bad luck man! You'll win at the start but end up losing it all.
Could have just kept it at Bad luck man! For starters you are wrong buddy! Who says you will win at the start? You could not win until the end when the law of averages kicks in. The thing is it is all averages the friend of mine had done a lot of study before he started with real money and check this over 1380 something recorded spins 666 was black 666 was red and the remainder was 0's.
Add up all the numbers on a roulette table and they to add up to 666!!
The story goes a monk created the game and could not figure out how to beat it so he finished his life that shows not even the creator could beat it and it destroyed him, i will hold a prayer for you OP because it will be so so hard you are trying to climb out the abyss and the dark one does not want you to leave