I got central AC and i still bitch about it LOL
But it should be a hot one i think guys..
Also watch out for 12% higher than normal radiation levels (we have right now)
The sun has no spots on it right now.. first time in 2 years.
It's in the low point of the 11 year activity cycle.
What does this mean ?
Well, it means the Heliosphere shrinks !
This ends up having a variety of effects.
Cold air on the earth collapses down for one thing
and the Heliosphere shrinking allows a far higher level of cosmic rays to enter our solar system (and us)
So the dangers are FAR higher now with a low point on the sun cycle.
Effects of this higher radiation are varied and includes death from cardiac arrest.
source =
http://www.spaceweather.com/http://news.spaceweather.com/cosmic-rays-continue-to-intensify-feb-2016/I once was out having a smoke by my door sitting on concrete steps with my back to the sun.
And i could not believe how intense the sun was hitting the back of my light colored shirt.
Something did not feel right about it i thought.
Like it was different than normal i thought somehow.
Like we get hot summers and this day was different i suspected.
It got my thinking little and i was poking around on the web reading things
and i stumbled onto the site i linked to above and what did i see ?
We were in the middle of getting hit by a major X class flare !
So i was RIGHT !
Something was very different that day and i could actually tell too.
My back hurt with a lot of pain instantly by sitting in the sun.
That just did not seem normal i figured.. it's a bit hard to explain but.. i knew it !
So you all should watch out for Space Weather too.
Sometimes it can be interesting too.. that site has a Fireball chart daily.
Last summer totally by accident i seen a Fireball in the sky close to me.
And wow holy bloody shit guys i thought i hallucinated or something..
It was just unreal watching the thing shoot in.
First off it was entering the atmosphere deep enough that it was below the clouds i had over head.
And it was clearly red and i seen it easily above my head standing outdoors in full daylight.
It was not right above me but sort of close enough so i could still see it really good.
Only time in my life i seen one.
It was fucked up ..you just don't expect to see shit like that ever.
Then i looked online and it was one of many listed that day.
Anyway i think Summer may depend a bit if you live somewhere where Summer is intensely hot.
Where i live it gets pretty brutal & nasty..