I still stand by what i said and i am repeating myself.
Can anyone post some info on passwords leaked ?
I am not denying it i just did not recall it happening.
People ASSUME a lot..
If a hack happens over time people will blur that into some grandiose thing losing the details.
And yeah i am familiar.. i am a well known cracker, i made my name for myself long before i came here guys.
Did you keygen your own firewall and still use it today after 10 years ?
It uses the same hashing algo that Bitcoin uses LOL (i also patched it bypassing the SHA based custom caesar cipher protection too)
..yeah i can code too.
--yeah i can write PHP and have setup my own forums.
I am familiar with hackers..
If you all want i can have some world famous ones come here and lecture YOU with an attitude easily.
As a matter of fact i already have logged into my other account on the hacker site and posted a message over there saying "Spoetnik says Hi" then i screen capped it and posted it here.
I use to be a mod on the large / old site and my custom title i was given was "leet cracker"
I never asked for it either.. i got my reputation by kicking ass.
One of my old groups was on CNN and every news outlet on earth for "hacking"
My good buddy was arrested by the FBI.
So spare me the condescending bullshit kids.
..missing is the point.
I am not talking about people jazzing up their posts with fancy fonts and colors.
I am saying it is odd that no one mentions what their password was.. or if it was hard/easy etc.
When you guys just finished saying it *DOES* matter.
So.. duh smart ass's
if it DOES IN FACT matter then why is it never mentioned ?
AND.. no one even bothers to ask these "victims" about it either..
YOU ALL ASSUME THEY ARE BEING TRUTHFUL ON EVERY POST !You are all not getting what i am saying here.
And i have been here through i think 3 hacks and no i never changed my password either.
And here i am..
And yeah i have had to login again which is a red flag i had an attempt.
That has happened to me all over the web and i get emails fishing. (crypto related)
Let me remind you there is one other reason for a guy to claim he was scammed ..even if he was a noob.
And that is ?
How may have barely been here and WHAM their account was hacked and then surprise surprise their account was used to support some fraud scheme etc ?
People there is a loophole here used in a couple ways with crying my account was hacked.
And i think it is a thing were once a few started doing it more joined in.
Of course there is legit reasons and incidents but what i am talking about here guys is i think there is a new phenomenon playing out.These guys here are predators and latch onto exploits and they catch on like wild fire.
Anyway for them to restore trust or make a dollar and they will dog-pile onto it.
So i am saying quit being so trusting / gullible and put these guys through the wringer.
I use Password Depot on Windows with it's password creator.. it's an awesome pass maker !
It says how many millions of years it is estimated to crack the password too.
Ever heard of an old scientist who said the simplest explanation is usually the correct one ?
Well, something stinks here .... as always.EDIT:
I am not responsible for this post now though guys.
You see my account was hacked.. can i have my red trust removed ?
Oh and yeah........................ i sold my account ROFL AHHAHAHHAHAH
Seriously how fucking god damn gullible are you all ?
And i think some of you replying here are GUILTY of it too.. so of course you are going to defend the cop-out.
yeah it DOES matter when i say i never seen 1 guy here ever say what his password was / is.
You just finished lipping me off saying it matters.. EXACTLY !
Get it yet ?
Get why i would want that info in a complaint ?
Get why i would find it odd no guy ever said hey i had a super mega hard password ?
Sometimes what is missing is the most telling..