Oil prices are holding steady at around $70 per barrel. But it is the natural gas which is going up like crazy. In Europe and East Asia, natural gas is trading at $1,000 to $1,200 per thousand cubic meter. The oil equivalent price for LNG right now is around $200 per barrel (a few months ago, it used to be around $10 per barrel). Europe is facing a massive shortage, as Russia has refused to increase the supplies. Now they can't blame Russia as well, after imposing sanctions and embargoes on that country. On one hand they want gas from Russia, and on the other they want to interfere with Russian politics.
Nobody meddles in the internal politics of the Russian Federation - there the Kremlin do what they want - this is the problem of the local population, or everything suits them. It is the EU that does not want a new global war in Europe, but Putin, apart from terrorism, has no methods left to sell gas and distract his own population from internal problems. But it is good that the Russian Federation is no longer secretly terrorizing Europe economically - the EU will understand that the Russian Federation cannot be a stable partner, and the EU will be forced, "thanks" to the Russian Federation, to reduce purchases in the Russian Federation itself and allow other suppliers to enter the market and actually diversify supplies. Tantrums will be arranged by those who are sitting on Russian money from the sale of gas - Schroeder and others like him. I would not be surprised if Merkel already has an office ready and a warm, well-paid (at the expense of Europeans' wallets) position in Gazprom
But the patronage of Putin and co is starting to lose ground, not all European politicians are corrupt. Most likely, for another 2-4 years, this picture will persist until new channels for gas supply to the EU appear ... And let the Russian Federation begin to think about where to store gas and where to give it "for thanks", after the loss of consumers in the EU ... In Russia itself, there are not enough gas storage facilities; for this, storage facilities in Ukraine have always been used. And if we talk about consumers, then only in the EU politicians "lobbied" for an almost monopoly purchase from the Russian Federation, and in China it will not work to bribe ministers, the maximum they will agree to is to take gas for free, which the Russian Federation cannot sell