The issues that affect the market are many and most time it is very difficult to summarize all the information coming into the market and make an informed investments decision. I do used technical indicators to analyze the market before investing and we have many traders and investors that holds the views that we must used technical and fundamentals indicators in analyzing the market in other to be able to make an informed investments decision. I believe that candlestick formations and patterns contains information about both technical and fundamentals issues that came into the market. Should I continue using candlesticks formation in interpreting the market or something might happen happen that might suspend candlesticks formation information.
There are 3 type of analyze method i use for trading: Fundamental,Technical,Sentimental
Fundamental analyze is for finding a confirmation in any uncertainty time period. After finding main direction i prefer to use technical indicators for marking main support,resistance levels in order to get in and exit form position. Sentimental analyze is perfect way to confirm your opinion with other traders.
That's great that you're able to use three analysis types simultaneously. And I see that you really know what you do, according to your words.
As for me, I prefer to combine making technical analysis and using info bots. At least, I'm testing this approach. Not so long ago I saw the news that my exchange has launched its own infobot, As I traded relying only on the simplest trading methods, I decided to change my strategy and see the results it'll get. And I like how it works - it sends the report about market and price changes on my Telegram account, then with this data, I open charts and analyze them.