The issues that affect the market are many and most time it is very difficult to summarize all the information coming into the market and make an informed investments decision. I do used technical indicators to analyze the market before investing and we have many traders and investors that holds the views that we must used technical and fundamentals indicators in analyzing the market in other to be able to make an informed investments decision. I believe that candlestick formations and patterns contains information about both technical and fundamentals issues that came into the market. Should I continue using candlesticks formation in interpreting the market or something might happen happen that might suspend candlesticks formation information.
A trader needs to become stronger in both fundamentally and technically because it will be the complete way to be a good trader if you had has the same equally if we gives you the better idea for getting good profit.
If you comes from the Forex field, then you are already good at Technical analysis which is an added advantage for you. If you are new, then you have to learn it first in order to better understand and do good trade.
There has always been a clear competition between technical analysts and fundamental analysts, each defending their point of view, taking into account that they have great advantages and their theories often fail. For the market application, many specialize only in technical analysis, in fact, if you show a chart to a cartography specialist, it will immediately tell you that it is a known chart, which is very likely to happen X thing, if you it gives the same graph to a Fundamental Analyst, it will give it its Intrinsic Value, which may be correct, but in which both will always fail, it is that they can not predict the effects of Supply-Demand, all their analysis can collapse due to volatility In the cryptocurrencies, in the Stock Market, if there is a tragic event, the market will collapse.
If you grasp the best that has the technical analysis and the best that has the fundamental analysis, apart from market knowledge, you can achieve good results, because somehow you need the concepts.
According to one of Wyckoff's books, he explains that in order to fully understand the market, not only the movements and phases of accumulation and distribution must be studied, the methods of technical analysis must be taken into account. In my case, I use a lot of technical analysis tools, such as Fibonacci, Elliot Waves, and I combine them with fundamental analysis, such as, in what areas of the market a possible area of value was produced, how long that liquidity can last.