no problem
if only your project wasnt just converting bitcoin instantly to fiat. i would have thrown a few in your direction..
but my spidey sense was tingling too much.
lets hope next year you make a subsidiary where the african community get bitcoin for doing some part of your projects to get bitcoin circulating in africa... then my interest would peak without the spidey senses tingling. and start to see something really inspiring
Well in all our projects, we pay out in Bitcoin to people that pay in ZAR, so we are kind of a hybrid Bitcoin Exchange. Some 8 year olds at the school used their pocket money to invest in their own schools solar plant and they are now earning bitcoin income for the next 20 years. They will grow up with and using Bitcoin. Maybe that is more in the direction you envisaged. Or Maybe not. Good night.
I now get it! The banana company doesn't keep any bananas in its coffer, but accepts coconuts to pay out bananas (not kept in its coffer) to each and every banana company investor. How close and I?
The banana company wants to reduce its electricity running costs as it is paying Coal Power Inc. exorbitant amounts of money. Banana Company goes to The Sun Exchange and says:
'Hello The Sun Exchange! We are a banana company, we don't want to be generating our own electricity, we need to use our money to grow and store bananas, it is what we are really good at! Otherwise we would use our money to build a solar array to save on energy bills. Can you, The Sun Exchange, raise funds for our solar array, and then we will give the money that we would of given to Coal Fire Inc to the people that paid for our solar array, provided they can give us a discount compared to what we are paying now?'
To which the Sun Exchange replies 'Sure we can! That is what we do!'.
Sceptical bystander A says, 'Hang on a minute, if banana company is so great, why don't they just go to the bank and take out a loan'?
To which The Sun Exchange replied, 'Oh don't you know? Debt is really expensive in Africa, and although sustainable development for Africa is a top international priority, global development banks are not lending to small and medium sized businesses in Africa as the projects are too small and they are really just interested in helping multinational corporates set up shop here as they are all in each others pockets. So The Sun Exchange has been set up to fill in this missing funding gap.'
Kind of less Sceptical bystander A nodded in agreement and added 'So if I bought some solar panels for banana company, what would be my equivalent rate of return?' '10% IRR.', The Sun Exchange answered.
'10%IRR?' No longer Sceptical bystander A said, 'Why that is better than keeping my fiat money in a bank! And less risky than keeping my money in this Bitcoin thing that I don't really understand that well, that is brilliant'
Scepitcal bystander B buts in and says, 'Woah woah woah... hang on.... The Sun Exchange, you call yourself a Bitcoin company but you are just using Bitcoin as a payment system! That is not revolutionary! I smell something really fishy here!'.
To which The Sun Exchange tuts, lets our a little sigh and says 'We have done everything we can to tailor the buying experience for people that use Bitcoin, and we are encouraging its use so that the bitcoin ecosystem grows which is good for you if you invest in bitcoin. We offer live BTC price tracking during our crowd-sales to make sure BTC bids are reflective of their true value and we are working on some pretty cool features to increase visibility and autonomy on rental payouts that would be impossible with fiat. We believe that bitcoin is to the world of money what solar energy is to the world of energy.... distributed & democratic and by merging these two radical technological inventions together, we think we can make the world better and less reliant on fossil fuels and conventional banking systems. We know there is some awesome things that can be done with things like 21Coin chips for mining with surplus solar power, and we will implement those kinds of things when we are ready to do so. No one built Rome in a day. Now stop getting so stroppy at strangers and let us get on with doing stuff we love.'
I think that my banana and coconut analogy confused you, bud. On one hand you stated that no bitcoins are held by The Sun Exchange, they are immediately sold on digital currency exchanges, then followed up we pay out in Bitcoin to people that pay in ZAR, we = The Sun Exchange. So, if The Sun Exchange liquidates all its bitcoins as soon as they get them, how the hell does The Sun Exchange pay out bitcoins dividends to those who paid in ZAR or bananas or coconuts.
Apologies for the analogy I put forth earlier, forgetting how hot it can get there in Africa sometimes affecting the brain.
The electricity user pays The Sun Exchange either in Bitcoin, or, in ZAR which is then used to re-purchase Bitcoin through the partner digital currency exchange. Returns are pegged to ZAR not BTC. Not everyone in Bitcoin land Buys and Holds. It does have other uses.