Does Bitcoin hold the key to sustainable development in Africa? and the planet?Today, over 620 million people live without access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa; that's twice the population of the United States without access to the modern day electrical conveniences and necessities that facilitate our lives and work each day. Africa is currently home to some of the world's fastest growing economies, however, lack of affordable and reliable energy hinders tangible progress for much of its population.
In addition to housing some of the world's most promising economies, Africa is the sunniest continent on Earth. Despite present issues surrounding energy access, favourable sun-light conditions and historically low solar-panel costs indicate that the cheapest and quickest way for Africa to become electrified in the future is through solar power. Unfortunately, investing in Africa can be problematic due to high levels of government corruption. Many believe that the advent of crypto-currency and blockchain technology may hold the solution.
Solar powering Africa with BitcoinThe solar energy crowd-selling platform, which won 'Best Bitcoin and Blockchain Business in Africa' in 2016, has taken the international remittance properties of Bitcoin and applied it into solving Africa's energy crisis. Most solar panels in the world are installed on the roofs of commercial and industrial buildings such as factories and warehouses. This is not the case in many regions of Africa, where projects under $1million are left unfunded as debt from African banks is expensive and development banks won?t write cheques that small.
To close this funding gap for solar energy, The Sun Exchange hosts technically validated solar projects as ?crowd-sales?, inviting individuals around the world to purchase the photo-voltaic cells that make up the solar panels using Bitcoin micro-payments. Following the principles of crowd-funding, The Sun Exchange solar projects are pre-financed, and only constructed once all available solar cells have been purchased. To overcome the volatility of bitcoin pricing during a 60-day crowd-sale period, the platform tracks the BTC price and allocates accordingly the number of solar cells to the buyer when the crowd-sale completes.
Once the solar plant is in operation, the owners of the solar cells receive a 20 year stream of passive Bitcoin income from the rental payments of the electricity user. This means the solar cell owners earn an average rate of return of 10% per annum for two decades. A South African school and now a tyre recycling factory have been funded in this way, and the solar cells are owned globally by individual digital currency users with ongoing solar powered nano-income payments made possible because of the unique properties of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin and the zero carbon solid state economyWhile Bitcoin?s potential to fuel investment in and distributed ownership of our future global energy supply is promising, the amount of energy that the Bitcoin mining network requires continues to draw criticism. Some claim that it will consume as much electricity as the country of Denmark by 2020. In view that services such as The Sun Exchange enable Bitcoin to be used for financing renewable energy generation, how does this impact the Bitcoin ecosystems energy balance?
No one knows for certain how much energy the Bitcoin network requires to run. In a recent Silicon Valley meetup, computer scientist Andreas Anonolpolis proposed that the Bitcoin mining network may require around 350MW of power to run, which is just over 3 TWh (terra watt hours) of electricity use each year. With an assumption that the majority of Bitcoin mining takes place in coal powered China, then the annual carbon emissions will be 3066000 metric tonnes. That's double the carbon footprint of the world?s entire fleet of passenger-laden Boeing 747's, if they were to fly continuously around the globe at once.
At a $1000 BTC price, one Bitcoin can be used to finance 1 kW of solar power plant. If that solar plant were to be installed in sunny but coal reliant and energy hungry Africa, 1kW of solar panels will generate 1800kWh of electricity per year, offsetting nearly 2 tonnes of carbon emissions. In this case, the energy it took to mine that Bitcoin (666kWh) will be paid back in just under 18 weeks. Given that a solar panel will carry on generating clean electricity for at least 25 years, a single Bitcoin used to fund solar energy actually creates a positive balance of 400000kWh (400MWh) of clean sun-powered electricity over the system's lifespan. The Bitcoin that financed it still exist, and are being traded in the markets doing work.
Bitcoin is money created on a silicon chip powered by electricity. It can now be used to finance silicon chips that produce electricity which can be sold for money. Are we potentially witnessing the dawn of a 100% silicon based clean energy economy? In Africa, we may well be.