Of course you have to be motivate yourself when you are playing gambling so that you will not attract negative things while you are playing gambling, the only wrong with their mindsets is that they are still encouraging themselves to gamble for more even though they are losing because they believe that they are going to win in the next round, but the thing that they are missing out is that gambling is not easy as they thought.
On the contrary, I have experience multiple trips in a casino were I was not really that motivated to gamble. But my friends keeps insisting that we go to and play. So I just go along with them, But so my surprised, I was very lucky because even the small money that I will bet bring instant profit to me.
So I don't know if you really need to motivate yourself because I have seen that its not the main factor that will bring you money. Its pure luck. And this happened to me several times as well. There are days that I'm motivated and very optimistic that I'm going to win, however, I ended up on the losing side.