Some falsefully speculates that they won just because they want to pave an ease to those who has been advising them to quit or limits gambling simply because the gambler has been unlucky to win instead he keep betting over and over without a good bankroll management in their gambling carriers.
They basically do this because they feels disturbed and inconveniences of the people's opinions and advices towards the gamblers unprofitable gambling experiences
Therefore, in the life of any gambler there are two stages.
1) He starts betting and gets lucky, but he doesn’t tell anyone about his success yet. Money appears, he buys gifts for friends, takes everyone to restaurants.
2) Gambler tells where he got the money from. Moreover, as soon as he starts losing, it will be difficult for him to admit that his luck has run out and everything is lost. Therefore, he will borrow from these same friends, and as a result, his balance sheet will have a huge minus and debts.
And often such gamblers, with their boasting, drag other guys into gambling.