Damn, that's a long ass thread, rightfully so though. I believe this is a perfect example of how long-lasting businesses can, at a single moment, turn their backs on you and just kill any sort of connection you've had with them. I believe anyone interested in the issue could visit the thread so no need to describe it that much, just know that whether it was intentional or not, it was a very asshole move, if that's enough to describe it. I think this is one of the better instances though since some of his acquaintances were here, they know him personally (and probably where they live) so filing a police report that will take effect is much more likely to happen.
Idk if his intention was to save the addresses for other uses (such as personal emergencies or something) or just to really fund his gambling addiction, if it was the latter then damn that's dedication and he probably needs big help (after a pretty long sentence though).
The damage was around less 2 BTC (as per what I read on other topics created) and we don't know if yogg has that kind of money right now considering the case that he scammed those collectors. This guy won't get away with it, he's known entirely and he just sold his reputation that low because of gambling addiction.
If he had I don't think he would've avoided the issue and would've answered the queries here himself. He instead ran away and let the ones who contacted him inform the rest of his customers instead. The issue wouldn't be over with paying the money he stole, but at the very least, it would've been enough to credit it as an "impulsive (VERY) action" on his stead.