Many people who gets addicted to something have some underlying psychological problem and even problems with other
addictions. {smoking & alcohol} and if you look even deeper you will find that these people are knee deep into debt. You get
dedicated "smoking" gambling areas and free alcohol in some of our casinos that are targeted at these people. They know that
drunk people make poor financial decisions and that is why they feed them FREE alcohol. If you have a problem, then you
should just stay away from the temptations that these sites offer you. The Brick n Mortar casinos over here have a service
where you can ban yourself, if you cannot control your addiction, which the online casinos does not have. {They will use very
sophisticated CCTV systems to identify gamblers that banned themselves and then you will be turned away at the doors}
So online gambling is actually the biggest problems for these people, because they turn to online gambling if they cannot get
back into Brick n Mortar casinos.