I don't know how much I trust this study. If you are only collecting data from a small sample size you can make a study say whatever you want. Discrimination by casinos against LGBT people doesn't seem like it's a widespread issue. Casinos don't care about your sexual orientation as long as they can take your money.
Online casinos offer many benefits such as privacy and convenience. They singled out LGBT people but this is probably the preferred option for the general population as well.
I just want to add, in this era it doesn't matter who wants to play gambling, be it women, old men, even people who feel left out. Both in land based casinos there are no problems with such things. at least even if you, only a handful of people discriminate, even then they usually won't talk about it verbally to the parties involved.
anyway, referring to my experience, most gamblers who play in land-based casinos, don't care about each other. except, with their own group. if anyone gets attention, usually all eyes are on gamblers who get big wins or jackpots. as for groups who feel left out, such as LGBTQ, they can play freely according to what they want. express himself, in the enjoyment of the entertainment and facilities available.
Now we have crypto casinos, both in the community and outside the community. we can even access it, without having to visit certain places. we have the convenience, facilities, features, even bonuses provided by the casino. those who feel inferior, even claiming to be LGBTQ, can also play at online casinos without being discriminated against. in fact the most important IMO, we must choose a casino that has a reputation that can be trusted as well as their credibility can be accounted for.