After this experience I believe gambling is for the big bag holders, if you're in urge of making a win. Very much disappointed, because it is the last few dollars I had as a cryptocurrency holding. If I had more funds I wouldn't have encountered this big loss. Martingale once again a failed strategy when you don't have big bag of money.
I don't understand how a big bag of money could make martingale strategy to work. It's not guaranteed though.
When you're betting with huge amount of money and martingale fails again like what happened to your bank roll, then I guess you're now facing with a bigger consequences for lossing that huge amount of money.
Besides, martingale is not only a strategy to win or make your losses even, but it can also cause you to lose everything in an instant.
Martingale per se as a strategy is a working one if you have unlimited bankroll and casinos didn't put in place betting limits,because if you keep betting on red on roulette it is a sure thing that 1 in 100 rolls will be red thus making double of your initial amount.
Unfortunately though,there are betting limits in place from all the casinos,as all of them now do this and thus making this strategy void/null.Some guys from what I have heard have applied successfully this one by being really patient,betting on the last team of England League 1 or League 2,which the odds were always more than 2 and in like 30 games or so they are going to win a couple of them,thus making it a good one for making money,sport betting has a much higher betting limit so it can somewhat work here,but you have to be patient,extremely patient.Personally though I would not suggest you do it even in sport betting.