After this experience I believe gambling is for the big bag holders, if you're in urge of making a win. Very much disappointed, because it is the last few dollars I had as a cryptocurrency holding. If I had more funds I wouldn't have encountered this big loss. Martingale once again a failed strategy when you don't have big bag of money.
If you are holding more funds you would encounter a much bigger loss, I think it is not your funds were the problem it is the way you are thinking and I think you need to change your mindset first, you are sounding like you are already desperate in winning big money with a martingale strategy I think you surely have a bad approach of things, and right now I think that your emotions on your lost are consuming you a lot, and are now thinking of ways you can return back what you have lost, and thinking that you must have a huge amount of money in getting it back is a bac thinking I think you need to consult an expert about your situation because, in my opinion, you are already succumbed by addiction,
This is just my speculation and pretty much a quick look for an expert for this kind of field would likely help you a lot, I really think you are still not aware of it aswell, and some addicted gamblers would likely not notice it themselves, if not been seen by their family and friends their unusual behavior,
For me my strategy is
- Always have a minimum amount of money as your gambling budget
- Have a minimum time in playing with dice of other casino-based games
- Don't expect to get back what you have lost
- Play gambling occasionally or with just your free time
- Win or Loss with your given gambling time always calls it a day and go home