So no its nor good for my life.
Yeah i agreed there are very less chances of winning in gambling like we can say that winning chances is 20-30 % out of 100, and the rest 70% are loosing chances. People gamble their money and place bet of more and more money then they loose their money just because of their greediness.
But why do people cant stop it. Dont they know this? I guess it is still that mind problem where they think if they are lucky they can double their money or more.
Gambling addiction is very hard to remove to a person which is already get hooked into it. I think its a mind problem or whatsoever because they cant control themselves on continuing on playing gambling games which they already know that they would lose in the end.
If there is a personal resolution and strong will, then that certain individual can help himself/herself be free from gambling addictions. His/her family and loved ones also plays an important role in the recovery of the gambling addict. It can be done.