Gambling for fun? Most people who was gambling for fun has suffered this domino effect :
1. Was Gambling for fun
2. Saw some people won jackpot or massive wins
3. Continued gambling for fun, but hope he/she could win jackpot or massive wins
5. Now he/she addicted in gambling.
Yes, in some cases that's true, but not always. I think we shouldn't avoid something completely only because some people when doing it wrong way become addicted.
Same "domino effect" as you call it may be applied to alcohol drinking for example:
1. Was drinking just small amounts of wine or beer on occasions.
2. Saw some people drink heavier and "have more fun"
3. Continued drinking small amounts of wine or beer on occasions, but sometimes was drinking heavier liking it more and more.
5. Now he/she is an alcoholic.
Some people just should never even try gambling, I think everyone should get genetic tests and see what% of massive addiction you have to gambling activities before "gambling" by trying gambling, I wouldn't gamble with that, given the massive negative consequences tat it can have, its just better to know the % and also see if in your family someone had gambling addiction related problems.
I think this is going to far, everyone can gamble but they just need to control them self everyone can control them self but they have to stay relaxed if they lose.
They do not have to panic and bet more to get their money back they lost the other day because that is just very bad.