Over Confidence:
This was the common one to the new and experienced gamblers,because the continuous winning mostly give the greedy and over confidence to the gamblers.The gamblers will go for the high betting after the continuous winning in the betting.The positive wipe was occurred with the over confidence,most of the gamblers go for the high betting after the over confidence.
The draw back of the over confidence is most of the gamblers will make loss their holding dollars in few bets.So the gamblers should avoid the over confidence after the continuous winning.
The gambler should avoid of the greediness in the gambling after the continuous gambling winning.The gambler should try to withdraw the funds from the gambling site after the good winning in the gambling site.Many loss the capital by doing high betting and random betting with the positive wipe with more winning.The most of the successful gamblers may skip greedy in their betting.
Share your opinion about this two mistakes with your experience.
Gambling and greedy behavior are almost inherently intertwined - it's foolish to try to think of them separately. Everyone gambling is trying to take a short cut to increase their wealth, which you could argue is one definition of greed. You mention "decent profit" but to anyone who is gambling, that is simply fleeting and all the odds are stacked against you in somewhere like a casino. They will even upfront admit and explain this reality to you, if you're actually looking for the information. The only way you'll ever get around these sort of things is if you set a budget limit, using spare funds you may wish to spend on this "hobby" and give up when you've burned through it in the week or month, because you will burn through it.