If you own a none performance cars like I do.
Chevy Malibu 2009 to 2014
Kia Forte 2014 to 2018
Kia Forte 2018 to 2020
Kia Optima 2020.
Accord Hybrid. 47 MPG +/- a bit depending on how I am driving.
So, yeah fill up rarely and look for the cheaper place.
OK this is just nuts:
Ok, I must apologize for not believing you
I haven't seen such a blatant ripoff myself.
You might have, just did not notice. If you didn't need gas, and were not looking at prices, you could have driven past a pair of stations like these not had it hit you.
As I said in the 1st post it's everywhere, and getting worse.
Once (if?) I'm back the road more often I'll get some more pictures.
oh to suchmoon shame on you knocking one of NJ’s shining examples of law.
“Full service only no pump“
TBH I avoid gas stations in NJ - last time I did it maybe 10 years ago and it scarred me for life - so I don't even know how it really works. Does the pump person ask for your zip code or do the pumps not require zip codes with credit cards? Do they carry change and/or run to the cash register if you pay cash? Is it customary to tip the poor schmuck who's breathing fumes for a living? Does the whole thing work 24/7?
Since Phil is from there he can probably answer better. But from the ones I have been to.
1) Some do ask for your zip, most don't. Since you are handing your card to an attendant it's a different processing fee & fraud prevention setup then self serve.
2) Once again depends, from what I have seen the busier places usually carry cash, the slower ones have a central register or 2.
3) I only tip in crappy weather. But I am cheap.
4) 24 / 7 / 365
I don't think I have ever noticed a gas station charge more if you use cash or a credit card... ??
I don't think I have ever seen it around me, and if it was out of state it was probably a work card so I didn't care anyway..
Never heard of it though..
Where do you live? It's all over the US. Mostly in smaller stations who:
1) Have owners that have no idea how business works and think they are "getting back the credit card fees"
2) Are under-reporting the cash for tax reasons
3) Have no real idea how much cash costs to handle and deal with
4) Just don't care.
Another rant based on eddie13's comment
I am beginning to see some other stores also charge a credit card fee. Mostly restaurants / take out places but some other stores are starting too do it.
You can tell that they either have a captive customer base like a beach or other secluded area, have no idea how business works, or are committing some kind of fraud with the not wanting traceable money.
*once again based on US studies I can't comment on other places but it has been proven (by both sides pro and anti credit card) that:
1) people who pay with cards tend to spend a lot more (even when getting breakfast) then those paying with cash
2) credit card fraud / charge-backs cost a business less then stolen cash / wrong change / counterfeit bills
3) general time cost of counting cash / going to the bank / dealing with having enough change / etc. is a larger cost to the business then the 3% CC fee.