I think I see what you are saying here. As long as the miners have good connections between themselves and the majority of hash power, they can create the longest chain.
Only problem is, without the rest of the network consensus, the wider bitcoin eco-system ends in orphan hell?
There is no such thing as an orphan hell in the network. Let us define clearly what an orphaned block is: it is a valid block, but on which other miners decided not to build any more. So only MINERS can orphan blocks.
BTW, miners (of same protocol) have good reasons to have very fast connections between them, because they need to know very quickly when a new good block (according to their rules) is mined. They will not wait for it to be randomly propagated through the P2P network, because the time they need to receive it is lost hash power for them. It is this strong, fast network of equally-minded miners that is the "block chain principal server" (for that protocol).
What you can have, is that nodes come to a grinding halt, if their validation rules don't find any valid chain. This happens if no miner produces such a chain. Imagine that I write a modification of bitcoin core, with a soft fork, so that only blocks less than 500 KB are valid. If I install this software, and connect it to the bitcoin network, it will download a certain part of the chain, until it finds the first block bigger than 500 KB. And then it stops. Because no other block, less than 500 KB, and directly built on that last block, is around. I simply have a stalled node. Did I "orphan" the rest of the bitcoin block chain ? Not at all. The rest of the chain is simply invalid according to my node, which will wait forever for the next valid block that no miner will make.
Suppose now that I fire up 100 000 nodes on amazon with this software. Of course, I will mess up somewhat the bitcoin network, because many nodes will ONLY have connections to my amazon nodes which have stopped. But after a while, the normal nodes will find out that my overwhelming majority of nodes do not use the same protocol, and that a GOOD chain does exist. They will end up finding one another, banning my nodes as confused, and I won't be able, even with my overwhelming node majority, to bring down bitcoin to accept my soft fork, wind back the chain to my last valid block some years ago, and restart from there. Even though I have more that 95% of the nodes in my hand on Amazon.
If it really were that simple that one can impose rules by having a large majority of non mining nodes, then I'm sure that someone would already have fired up 100 000 nodes on Amazon doing that. The very fact that bitcoin has never undergone this, simply means that non-mining nodes are not that important.
And as a consequence, that the argument against bigger blocks, "because of less nodes and hence more centralization" is totally bogus. But it is a hard myth that will not die.