If you check the
CFR board of directors, you'll find the names of some of the "democratically elected leaders" who directly lied to the world in order to justify wars of aggression against foreign nations. There are also several lesser-known figures that might have participated at a lower level in the facilitation of the murders of hundreds of thousands of people. And I would bet 25 BTC that most of those who don't fit into either of those two categories fit into the 3rd category: war profiteers.
That's not to say there are no good people in the CFR. But know who it is, what it is, that we are talking about. This is not by any stretch of the imagination an organization with your/our interests at heart. These are millionaires and billionaires seeking to influence/direct government policy for their personal benefit and amusement.
Noted CIA asset and self admitted space alien Gavin Andressen confirmed today that he is conspiring with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral commission and the Bilderberger Group to bring about global hegemonic control of all bitcoin transactions through secret NSA backdoors and HAARP mining/weather control datacenters. When asked for comment, noted investigative journalist Alex Jones stated "I predicted this 10 years ago!"
But don't confuse/conflate Alex Jones (the Rupert Murdoch of alternative media) with "the opposite view" of the "official view". The official/default view is given by some of the biggest liars and richest people on the planet. There's no actual reason to believe them any more than Alex Jones. If you truly believe the "default/official view" about think tanks like the CFR as presented in the MSM is more credible than Alex Jones' fearmongering drivel, here is a good starting point to rid yourself of that delusion:
When talking about these guys, one word is all you need to check into:
And as coinrevo pointed out:
We have to get on from the conspiracy theories. Let us be realistic, if someone has to meet with these groups it should probably be Gavin. I view this development as excessively positive for the future of Bitcoin.
The word conspiracy theory is for hiding behind the straw man. People in the US just don't realize that their capitalistic system is a corporate system through and through. They don't even notice it. And corporatism means that business and government co-opt into a single net of of power. And its exactly institutions that CFR that stand for this. Of course if you're inside that bubble you don't realize it and think everything is just fuzzy and perfect. Like say a Larry Page or Mark Zuckerberg, running around and explaining how the future will just be more of the same. Of course they have no problem with working with the government on spying on people. They just don't call it that. And for someone in such a position to come out in the year 2014 (post Snowden) and play the conspiracy card is very telling. I hope the bitcoin community can really come up with much better positions than that.
Anything labeled a "conspiracy theory" is subconsciously considered false/impossible. Such is the power of the MSM.
Also, make sure that you are on your toes!
These types of meetings are meant for one thing only...to evaluate you / to size you up, so that they can figure out how to manipulate the situation in their favor.
Remember...Bitcoin doesn't need to ask for permission. It doesn't need to cozy up to the enemy. And, make no mistake, these guys are the enemy...of the masses...of the planet.
The more I think about it, this meeting is a real $*&t deal!
Absolutely spot-on observation. Those clueless old rich men in suits are hoping to use Gavin to help wrap their minds around the very concept of decentralized digital currency. Their intent is most likely to find ways to "regulate" (control) it.
It's essential that people in the CFR understand the importance of Bitcoin because whether you like them or not they have control over the legacy institutions and those institutions need to adapt to change.
Hahaha, you have got to be kidding me!
You're saying that because they currently have control, it's important that we help them adapt to the change that Bitcoin brings?
"It's essential that people in the Mafia understand the importance of Bitcoin because whether you like them or not they have control over the legacy institutions and those institutions need to adapt to change."