That said, why would they be worried about lawsuits, especially with experience from the inside? What act in the past leads anyone to believe Josh will actually spend money on a lawyer?
Well apparently he does have at least one lawyer (David McLain?) to send out threats.
Threats and actually doing something are way different things. Why hasn't he sued anyone for libel yet after all the FUD we and other news sites have been spewing? He has enough legal trouble on his hands with the authorities, wasting money on legal expenses for other bullshit just doesn't fit his MO, he's not going to earn any money from it and it isn't' going to actually help him in any way. It's easy for me to say since I'm an anonymous idiot smart enough to not touch this thing with a 10 foot pole, but everyone should be calling his bluff. The streisand effect and his love of money will stop him from actually taking anyone to court.