I was a bit worried about this huge movement of coins from PayBase so I did the grown up thing and contacted GAW. Here is their response:
100K XPY were transferred out yesterday to both the Zencloud and Paybase hot wallets. What the users do with them from that point is nothing we have control over.
Matthew Eden
GAW Miners LLC
This seems logical to me. People are freaking out so they're moving their coins around and probably dumping. It would explain the hundreds/thousands of different wallets.
Just an FYI...
They're refilling the hot wallets from Prime Controllers?
At this point I think something more substantial is needed than just "because we said so". Like signed messages from their wallet addresses to show who owned/owns which coins - GAW, investors, customers, etc. Of course that's not going to happen. We'll be fed thin sliced bullshit with a sauce of arrogant indignation, just like always.