Havn't checked HT today, is there any mention of this latest failed promise? Probably not, what with all of the exitment™ over the upcoming Paycoin Space Program and all...
Not that I can find. Everyone is too busy getting ready to fellate Josh for managing to bring systems back online after 24+ hours of unexplained downtime.
edit: Actually, HJG just posted this: Notice the curious use of the past tense. Of course this is Josh, so it may just mean nothing.
Was because the honors program is apparently dead.
He is saying something that all the gaw lovers missed during the honors program euphoria, that payments weren't going to start until the end of march/beginning of april.
Signup ended march 2, but all payouts were to be done on the 1st of the month, so even in the dream honors world, no payouts this month.