"It's something that is going to change the industry as a whole."
"We still got another week or two out before the beta launches."
"I have had a separate team working on a secret project for a while."
"Anyhoo, I had it down all out of house, and split it up between teams all over the world, so it will stay secret"
"We gave an exclusive at a media outlet (no it does not have the word coin in it). And, I have already done the interview. So they will be launching it. But, it will be exciting"
Does anyone other than Vlad believe that gawceo had an idea that will revolutionize the industry, that he managed a multi-national team of software developers to make it a reality, and that a beta is going to launch in another week or two?
Why doesn't Josh just explain what he is working on clearly and concisely so that other people can understand where he is at with progress?
"OMG I have HUGE news I cannot contain myself but to share to you that I have something big! but I cannot tell you what it is or share any details whatsoever!"
I'm pretty sure that Josh reads some of these posts now so this is my advice...
Hardfork PayCoin and make it rewarding to the average user rather than just GAW to dump on the market, obviously you still want to be able to derive some funds from PayCoin but you need to reduce that imbalance by a huge amount or you will never gain the trust of the users.
Stop your useless shills and provide some real steps and information about what you are working on or ideas of things to come.
Make Hashtalk completely unmoderated and/or become a part of Bitcointalk and face the trolls head on.