Oh well finally
Guess Josh didnt like the fact I thought his exchange idea was a load of bullshit and should have been there from day 1 like the non existant amazon LIE !!! Also I pointed out any dead shit dumbarse can create an exchange so its not exactly new and exciting - look at the dikheads at qibuck coin and their exchange - so what the fuck have GAW been doing besides playing with their dicks from when paybase went live ?
then I refresh the page to see I am logged in as a guest and this
Far as I am concerned he has banned off the people who are not PRO josh and PRO paybase every step of the way.
All the regs are gone and all those that question are gone = that in itself IS a red flag.
He is a massive compulsive liar as he did shadow ban me, and he flat out deleted my account on hashtalk today - which he did but would deny.
Not that I trust GAW and Josh befor (as I didn't) - by asking these questions, but I sold out a long time ago, and was pushing his buttons so he paid out other people but after today, go fuck yourself Josh you liar and cheat. I am glad I sold out well ahead from the market manipulation you pulled.
Also I suppose there is no harm in saying this now, but since Tankjr has left now as well, he was dumping XPY HARD !!! on your faces. Sucked in. Redacted too. Daffy as well. There is your trust in gaw. You don't see Russian anymore either
their bigger investors are gone and have been for a while. The hashtalkians who post shit all day probably havent worked that out, they probably think they just retired from the forum.. and blame the dumpings on this forum. LeL
I am real happy for the ones that left, it seems like lizard went back to his old ways of being an asshole, I think Josh is paying some of the mods that went back or paying them MOER. Happy you got out when you did, same for the others too. I will make an account on their new forum, the forum of the GAW refugees
, it seems like a nice cozy group there
Good luck with everything!
I think the companies that he shit on were mining his coin, for payback! Who else could compete with his mining power, 2ph/s, 5ph/s or whatever he had. I cant wait for him and paycoin to fail, the lying scumbag has it coming.