What are the specifics/procedures when it comes to the Miami Conference?
Can GAW/Paybase, as a Sponsor dictate how the Q&A is done?
- Garza sitting by himself answering questions asked by the audience (questions coming from people not chosen by Garza, but an independent third party)
(What will happen is Garza will have people sitting with him, and he will divert question to his cronies to answer)
- Garza making it seem like Q&A was his idea all along and isolating all questions to only "Paybase"
("Sorry this is a Paybase Q&A, we do not take questions concerning Hashlets or Paycoin, Zen, or the legitimacy or existence of our mining operations")
- Who is allowed into the venue/Q&A session
- Who gets to film it
I believe this may turn into a farse of a Q&A. I am sure there will be little accountability in this for GAW, if they can rig too much of it.
My understanding is that they could rig it to some (perhaps substantial) extent, but I don't think that's going to change anything. Supporters would see it as win, opponents would see it as a farce.
On the other hand, if it was an open Q&A and if GAW would get publicly embarrassed, the result would be roughly the same - supporters would see it as an unwarranted attack, opponents would see it as a defeat.
In any case stock up on popcorn.