I also thought that most of the cultish braindead remarks from people over there must be from shill accounts. Actually , most of them turn out to be real people. I have checked many dozens of accounts after reading things thinking this has to be a shill, and then you check the account and they have been posting for months about all kinds of things, complete with active FB pages and such and are in fact real people (cult zombies). From what I have seen only maybe 1/10 of the "Buy Paycoin and HOLD! To the Moon! We LOVE YOU JOSH" posters turns out to be an obvious shill account. SCARY!
Did Josh recruit these people from various churches and/or mental institutions?
I'm being serious here,
What if Josh bought a email lists of mental patients from various hospitals in the USA and spammed them all with Paycoin?
What if he has huge email lists of 'life churches' and promised them a second life if they support his company?
No is no other explanation for being so fucking stupid.
I really don;t know exactly how these morons were recruited. I suspect it is just having the right lie at the right time. Things are going badly for a lot of people these days and they are looking for the "Golden Ticket" out of this mess, and Josh has no moral issues with lying to them and saying he has it. All you have to do is send him all of your money and BELIEVE! Pretty much a duplicate of every cult, except this one is purely driven by greed, whereas some cults may have a kernel of spirituality at their core.
Lets examine a current thread full of people who obviosuly do not know their ass from a hole in the ground on HT:
https://hashtalk.org/topic/28638/cc-purchase/3Here is my analysis of the effing idiots talking about how much they have run up their credit cards to put cash directly into Josh's pocket in return for a couple of Shitcoins taken from his endless reserve of them:
https://hashtalk.org/user/mtaretto REAL Braindead Cultmember
https://hashtalk.org/user/unclebuck REAL Seems to have two brain cells, but they argue with eachother.
https://hashtalk.org/user/albundy FAKE Obvious shill account.
https://hashtalk.org/user/colaxais REAL Just plain Effing stupid person
https://hashtalk.org/user/ricardo REAL Braindead Cultmember
https://hashtalk.org/user/frant100 REAL Dazed and Confused Braindead Paycoin Cult Member.
https://hashtalk.org/user/mobileghod REAL Braindead Cultmember
https://hashtalk.org/user/cyberlizard REAL Second Tier Cult Member and Josh's underling. Enabler of this ongoing scam.
8 posters in that thread of effing morons complaining about how they can't put more of their money in Josh's pocket faster. Conclusion: 7 are real people, one of which is a cult insider. 1 obvious shill account.
Edit to add: Here is some ST for all you HT Cultmembers. Enjoy!