With a brand Paycoin/Paybase w.e in such deep water, with such negativity from the community that will inevitably be their niche market, why/how do people believe this is worth anything at all?
The idea is that only trolls and haters are the problem for Paycoin/Paybase. Once grandmas and grandpas - who presumably don't read Reddit or Coinfire - start using it everything will be fine.
Trouble is that I don't see any added value this would offer to anybody, let alone the piss-poor track record of promises vs implementation.
I agree with that last statement. If they start implementation and then announce instead of announce and then implement they could recover from this.
I can see where you guys are coming from, personally can't see it playing out. This will not stop, and I mean, there is innovation and entreprenuership in the crypto ecosystem daily. Everyday, there is a new young entreprenuer starting up. Everyday a new innovative company is offering awesome services. I have been here a little over a year, and to this day, the only company with this much bad/negative publicity while still functioning would be Moolah in my eyes, and we know how that ended. Not comparing them or saying they are the same, but to me, it seems as though any investor who is working with hard earned money, (not money that came from buying bitcoin at $10, looking for another quick gain) would even consider, considddderr putting capital into a brand with this much negativity, not to mention the entity in charge consistantly falling short of ANY promises, and blame the people questioning about valid Q' as FUD and "trolls". No real investor would throw money at a brand that is this badly mismanaged, love to be proved wrong on that... but doubtful.
I just don't see it. Would love someone to really bring crypto to the main stream, but if Paybase is where this starts, I am very happy staying where I am. Just don;t see it, and these scam threads, aren't really productive for anyone in here, except trying to "rid" crypto of the scams before people get taken for everything....
A side note, grandmas and grandpas, probably not the market that will bring much volume to the equation. Maybe they have a partnership coming with lifealert (button for seniors who have fallen)? Buy 2 XPY get a free life alert button!
Also people really need to learn the difference between screaming scams trolls FUD - and - VALID QUESTIONS that continually go unanswered!