Seriously? regardless of where the articles was posted on CT the article is clearly labeled an opinion piece.
Concerning Garza, TNABC and Bitcoin Media: ‘Down with Everything Associated with Anyone’ (Op-Ed)
Opinion or news does it really matter it is still a call to arms and an invitation to riot.
Calling people to stand against a company scamming people is bad how exactly?
And people keep wondering why the crypto industry is failing.
According to what metric? The getting rich quick metric? Or are you just regurgitating the garbage your cult leader makes up to sell his shitcoin?
News flash, the crypto industry is not failing, in fact it's growing at an incredible rate. You're just too entrenched in your religion of getting rich quick to see that.
No established company is eager to step in that hornest nest.
No established companies besides Microsoft, Overstock, Newegg, Paypal, Namecheap, Virgin Galactic, and so on.
The only thing I see is the infighting in the community whether it is directed at GAW or any other crypto company. This really does show the world that crypto is far from ready to be mainstream. Once the infighting stops then people will start to pay attention and this is not because it was directed to GAW. The publications on that website with all the numerous articles about crypto stand out and have some good information but it is completely diminished with the infighting that some of those articles do and the GAW article is not the only one.
The problem is not the "infighting". The problem is with companies like GAW fleecing the gullible and financially ignorant.
The ONLY reason you have such a gripe with CT/other btc news sites is because they aren't actively pumping your get rich quick scheme.