The high-return stakers are all in GAW hands though, right? And I also believe that the 97% premine is in GAW hands since the "$100 million" investors don't really exist.
So the vast majority of the coins aren't being traded. The 12 million coin premine isn't being traded, neither is what GAW mined in the POW phase, neither is what they've convinced people to lock up in stakers, neither is what people have stored in paybase.
This explains why the price isn't falling more than it has. The number of shares actually being traded is a tiny, tiny fraction of the total number used to calculate the market cap. It could easily be under two hundred thousand coins actually in the market.
But if so, then why create these inflationary stakers when the amounts they're creating are (for now) dwarfed by the millions of premined coins? The price would be way under a dollar if a significant fraction of those premined coins hit the market. Adding more coins when you already have more than you could ever sell makes no sense, and only hurts the coin as more people learn about the built-in hyperinflation.
What am I missing?
I can't comment on who holds each pre-mined "prime" address. I don't know. What I can say is that GAW holds every prime priv key and therefore has to know who owns each of those addresses in which those keys will be used.
Another thing I can say is that there may be addresses not labeled as primes that are using or will use a prime key. This has already been discovered and commented upon and "explained" as a test... a test not done on a testnet but done in actual production.Will it end up being Josh, his family, his friends, his employees, etc is yet to be released so we can only speculate at this moment in time.
You are correct though, a majority of coins are locked up and cannot be sold on the market. We can speculate that those coins may or may not be dumped at the earliest opportune time as well, but until this all plays out there's really nothing we can factually say about it.
Just pop some corn and enjoy the show.
EDIT: Please see above where I added in italics.
EDIT 2: This is what Josh should use... explained edits... if you're not scamming/conning, why edit things away without explaining what you've changed and why?