Is that what you believe? Because I think the point being made here (between the bursts of bile that give the GAW crowd an excuse not to listen) is that paycoin/paybase is fundamentally broken. The extreme premine, for example. Whether you believe Josh's story that there are investors who put in a hundred million dollars and control millions of coins, many times the number of coins currently in play in the market, or you think he lied about that and the premine coins just went to GAW and Josh and his friends for free, it's a problem that isn't solved by better communication. That's just one point.
You're telling them that the company "lost the way" and "each and every coin always experiences a drop" and Josh is doing "a good thing" to take a step back (whatever that means) and the result might be "ensuring that the coin and their reputation naturally grows both in value and in stance."
I think the truth is that if Josh fled to a non-extradition country, and GAW disbanded, and an independent board of honest and wise crypto experts took over the administration of paycoin/paybase, they wouldn't be able to save it. They could burn the premine coins so that there's no looming flood there (which also cuts the market cap by a factor of 25 or so, but it would still be top 20). They could get rid of the 350% special wallets in the code, stop with the dishonest staking (it's absurd to have to pay to rent a staker for a POS coin, much less to have to pay so much), etc. But then what do they have? A peercoin clone.
I think you're giving them false hope. It's more cautious hope than some are offering over there, but it's still false hope. IMO.
Josh hasnt only lied - hes defrauded them, and a lot of other people, he has fucked over the entire crypto community and the people on the hashtalk boards think he is a god (AKA False God), I did warn in one of my previous posts that this would happen and I was shouted down (Hi Rootdude!!)
There was no investors, there was no floor, having spent months in the same channels as Josh there was never any evidence of this.
Josh needs to get out of Crypto - he came into it being defrauded (allegedly) - maybe he saw how easy it was to take advantage of gullible people within the Crypto community, and decided he wanted a piece of that.
What about that time he said he was hiring legal compliance officers? That never happened, what about the PR Firm? That never happened.
The company has lost the way - its become a bunch of greedy bastards out to line their own pockets.
I have been asked not to leak access to the Ban List - which I will respect as I still have friends over there, however, I have emails between Josh and myself that I will post later on - you can tell he lives in Bullshit Central.