This is just rich... they just now realized that price manipulation could be illegal, and they have no plans of ever restablishing a floor: of the significant drain supporting the marketplace had on our reserves, we have since learned that the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) has specifically stated that they can hold a company liable for manipulating pricing. For these reasons (and the ones above), the “hard floor” strategy cannot succeed and we have no plans to re-implement it.
So... it's official. There is no floor... there will never be a floor, and we were all lied to. Scam or no scam, the very basis of what everyone had used to make the mine hashpoints and convert to stakers decision... was a lie.
I assume that the $20 price guarantee for paybase tier 4 (after 30 days qualifying period with $5000/ weekly limit) still holds but joe soap and paybase clients not qualified to tier 4 will be subject to market prices.
However the CTFC is arguably merely a fine of a percentage of what they can PROVE u may have gained as that appears to be the way the banking system views that, as a business expense; besides the CFTC record of inaction is arguably worse than what has happened here in $ terms
I may add that due to their limited manpower and resources their focus will be on the mega players who were fined/ monetary sanction ( settled out of court with no admission of guilt) $3.27 Billion last year and therefore they may, be able to spare the tea lady for a day to investagate a complaint in an obscure unknown such as paycoin for some po0cket change relative to the other problems they have to deal with, a crypto currency thats legal status is unclear and if your lucky send a couple of stinky letters of warning. CFTC's new powers lead to more market manipulation cases?
US regulators have gained new powers to battle energy market manipulation, and the White House is pushing them to act more aggressively. Should traders be worried? Alexander Osipovich reports America’s top cop for energy derivatives, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, has a spotty track record of catching market manipulators. In its nearly four-decade history, the CFTC has successfully prosecuted only one manipulation case; many more have ended in settlements, with no admission of wrongdoing and financial penalties rarely larger than...