As far as the price of paycoin? i am not worried one bit, you see i have faith , faith that this is a game changer and that the entire point of this quest is to bring it to the people and not keep it locked up i a cage like you so desperately want it to be, ...why is that? are you so happy that you can buy a few gift cards here and there and maybe a few stores will take some crypto for some items.....why not think bigger instead of trying to squash an idea that is obviously greater then you can understand here,.
Unfortunately your faith is blind.
The broken promises, the inability to deliver anything on time - how many more of these teeny tiny mistakes (in your eyes) do they need to make before your faith turns into caution? Most of us here see these as indicators that it is falling apart. Tell me one place you can use Paycoin anywhere that would make a big enough deal for anyone outside of the crypto world to take notice? Josh messed that up when he launched the coin before Paybase was even ready.
He won't even take it for purchase on his own business' website - that is how much belief he has in it! Every day Josh screws it up further, breaks one more promise, he poisons Paycoin to the point it will end up on the sh*tcoin heap with the rest of them.
Keep your faith. I hope it pans out for you in the end. I will rely on my gut instinct to tell me that when something stinks, it's best to throw it out as soon as possible.