I will not accept photoshopped screen shots. You can blank out customer data though that is fine.
This was not good at all. I contacted Joe for an explanation. That is what is what in relation to what happened. There also is not a bunch of info other than emails and balances in PayBase other than some who filled in their addresses which I did not see when I experienced the issue.
Others may have I did not.
GAW is doing something new and that has some people excited and others upset and afraid of another huge scam and disaster. We all have worries and the next several weeks will show if GAW can do it or not. We will have more info on just want the deal is or is not with retailers, we will see if they can get their debit card and bill pay going. If they do it will be good if not we will see why. There are many companies trying similar things even ZeusMiner stopped making hardware to focus on the cloud and their payment system. We are seeing an evolution in Bitcoin and the industry with many players doing all sorts of stuff. It is exciting and nerve raking as there is real money involved and peoples lives.
We as a community need to support each other and at times agree to disagree and move on from there.
I promise you if I find hard evidence GAW is a scam I will get the news out ASAP. I am looking at things people are worried about and I ask more and more difficult questions of GAW and others. So far there are some rumors and flags but also some things that have moved forward and a huge community that supports them for better or worse. That is what all coins want and need are committed communities. That is what gives them value and gets them used.
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are the cusp of another evolution of how we interact with each other and have a monetary system backed by the faith of people and not governments who do not always have our best interests in mind. Bitcoin is changing things and I think for the better.
I am excited about what was started in 2009 and want to see where were are in 3009.
Happy New Year and Best Wishes to you and everyone. :-)
That is a well written and concise pile of contrite ass covering horseshit. The fact of the matter is that Josh Garza and his company GAW repeatedly lie about everything, all day, every day, with reams of direct evidence showing so. The guy can not even complete a sentence without contradicting himself. And your readers are supposed to believe that you are an actual reporter and you can not find hard evidence? I have to call bullshit on that one. You are either completely inept as a journalist or a complete liar.
Case in point:
There was a massive security breach with Paybase that allowed thousands of people to directly access other people's accounts showing balances and giving detailed information about the account holder. You reported it was "static data of customer sessions" and that "No coins or Private data was lost" . That sir is not bad journalism, that is an outright lie. Balances and account holder information is definitely private data, and I am certain you are well aware that anonymity for many people investing in crypto currencies is paramount. Did you previously work for the NSA where they record every telephone call people make and then call it "meta data" or what? That report was a total disgrace, and the fact that you will lie directly to people's face's means that you have no respect for them and think they are fools that will believe whatever you write. Well, you can count me out of the group. And then the fact that the powder puff bullshit "article" (GAW press release) is framed by GAW ads completely shreds any amount of credibility that someone might still mistakenly have for you. Perhaps you should spend your time trying to blow smoke up people's asses somewhere like HashTalk where they are gullible fools and the forum is run by the guy keeping your lights on.
Thats not true. It wasn't static data. It was fully interactive data the only thing that saved them was the fact that 2fa was active and working or there would have been massive losses. The only reason Josh was able to lie is that 2fa prevented the loss of coins which allowed him to downplay the breech. THEY WERE NOT STATIC.